Nicole Nigro is an international dance|theatre artist. based in Berlin, Germany. Her performative work interlaces her interests in behaviour, sensory perception, embodiment, and connection. Rooted in explorations of memory, motivation, and intuition, she examines the contact between body, voice, and space, creating performance installations, which are a synthesis of her dance, somatic, vocal, and physical theatre practices.
2024 - Games as Social Choreography, Cathy Walsh, Coila-Leah Enderstein & Nicole Nigro, Lake Studios, Berlin, DE
2023 - the perception of memory or my soft watch, Dis-Tanzen Solo 5, Dachverband Tanz Deutschland, Berlin DE
Anatomalia, Meagan O’Shea/Stand Up Dance, The Dance Centre, Vancouver CAN
2022 *i became a mother*
Anatomalia, Meagan O’Shea/Stand Up Dance, KOSMOS Rechenzentrum, Potsdam DE
Mijoter, Nicole Nigro w/ lo Bill, Mary-Dora Bloch Hansen, Justin Fraser, Vanessa Jane Kimmons, Megan Nadain, Irma Villafuerte; Cory Neale, Jennifer Dallas, Micheline Wedderburn, Digital WIP, Toronto ON & Berlin DE
2021 - Elegy Of Ordinariness, Tomáš Janypka w/ Felix Baumann, Simona Gottierová, Elia Moretti Festival 4+4 dny v pohybu / Festival 4+4 Days in Motion, Prague CZ
Skin to Skin, Lebanon International Contemporary Dance Festival. Tiro Arts Association LE
Hic Sunt Dracones, Divadlo Continuo Theatre, Moving Station, Plzeň & Festival Divadelní Svět, Brno CZ
Anatomalia, Stand Up Dance, Ponderosa, Stolzenhagen DE
Betwixt & Between, Divadlo Continuo Theatre, Švestkový Dvůr, Malovice CZ
2020 - Skin to Skin, Hercinia Arts Collective, Toronto ON & Lebanon Contemporary Arts Festival, Tiro Arts Association LE
HIC SUNT DRACONES, Divadlo Continuo Theatre, Divadlo X10, Prague & Mime Fest, Polička & Švestkový Dvůr, Malovice & Festival Loutkarska, Chrudim CZ
Please Leave a Message, Divadlo Continuo Theatre, Litoměřice & Industra, Digital Stream, Brno CZ
2019 - Valid as a Vowel, Nicole Nigro & Florence Freitag, Altes Finanzamt Queer-Feminist Collective, Berlin DE
HUA (huu-ahh), Nicole Nigro, Dance Matters, Citadel Theatre, Toronto ON
Legends of Horror, Hit & Run Dance Productions, Liberty Entertainment Group, Casa Loma, Toronto ON
In Cambio, Heidee Alsdorf, Nicole Nigro, Alberto Tirabosco, Luca Viviani, Juan Pablo Figun Correa, Broken Jump Theatre, Meliciano IT
Please Leave a Message, Divadlo Continuo Theatre, Malovice CZ & Faenza, IT
Marhaban, Nicole Nigro & Felix Baumann, Diyar Theatre, Bethlehem, Ramallah, Beit Jala, Beit Sahour, Jericho, PS
In The Belly of the Whale, Divadlo Continuo Theatre, Pisek, CZ
Orient-Occident, Unit Motives: GRM, Die Wolke Art Group, Vitruvian Thing, Thessaloniki, EL
Something’s in the Way, Broken Jump Theatre, Arezzo Crowd Festival, Arezzo, IT
Metasrade, Broken Jump Theatre, Arezzo Crowd Festival, Arezzo, IT
2018 - What’s Left Behind, Divadlo Continuo Theatre in collaboration with Accademia dell’Arte, Prague, CZ
Workshow, Familie Flöz in collaboration with Accademia dell’Arte, Berlin, DE
Something’s in the Way, Broken Jump Theatre, Casa dell”Energia, Arezzo, IT
their eyes were the colour of ripe apricots, Nicole Nigro, Accademia dell’Arte, Arezzo, IT
Thirst (and Other Dreams of Drowning), Faith Sullivan, Accademia dell’Arte, Arezzo, IT
O How Flesh Folds, Heidee Alsdorf, Accademia dell’Arte, Arezzo, IT
2017 - Fill in the Blank, Justine Hince, Caroline Montes, Nicole Nigro, Biolento Café, Arezzo, IT
Mengo Festival, Contraerea Aeria Dance, Mengo Parco, Arezzo, IT
Ford Advantage, Nicole Nigro, The CrisisART Festival, Villa Godiola, Arezzo, IT
Working Title, Stevie Boyd, Spazio Flic, Torino, IT
Opus Vox Generari, Caroline Montes, Libera Accademia del Teatro, Arezzo, IT
The False Twins, Fabio Mangolini, Teatro Virginian, Arezzo, IT
2016 - Ford Advantage, Nicole Nigro, Mezzotint, The Citadel, Toronto, ON
AUGUR NYC, Co-director with Maré Hieronimus and Cory Neale, the CURRENT SESSIONS, Wild Project, New York, NY
Ford Advantage, Nicole Nigro, Dance Matters Performance Series, ScotiaBank Theatre, Toronto, ON
2015 - Hit, Christof Migone, Scotiabank Nuit Blanche, Toronto, ON
Glaciology, Anandam Dancetheatre, Brandy Leary, Scotiabank Nuit Blanche, Toronto, ON
Ford Advantage, Nicole Nigro, Ponderosa Movement & Discovery, Stolzenhagen, DE
AUGUR NYC, Co-director with Maré Hieronimus and Cory Neale, Performance Mix Festival, New Dance Alliance, New York, NY
Lanmo, Talwst Santiago, Art Gallery of Ontario, Massive Fundraiser, Toronto, ON
Body/Tents, Vanessa Kimmons, Mile Zero Dance, Edmonton AB
2014 - Some Times, Co-director with Deborah Black and Paula Montecinos, Con|VERGE, Ponderosa, Stolzenhagen, DE
AUGUR, Co-director with Maré Hieronimus and Cory Neale, Collaborators Maurizio Campani, Rebecca Lloyd-Jones, Brianna MacLellan, Anne Marion-Gallois, chashama Summer Performance Series, New York, NY
Glaciology, Anandam Dancetheatre, Brandy Leary, Porch View Dances, Toronto, ON
Oracle, Co-director with Cory Neale and Christos Galanis, Collaborators Maré Hieronimus, Alex Kramer, and Adriana Segurado, E|MERGE Interdisciplinary Residency, Plainfield, MA
Shot At Dawn, Helen Vosters LINK & PIN — FEMINIST FIBRES, HUB14, Toronto, ON
2013 - Phantom Wing: A Pre-demolition Project, Six of Hearts Collective - Luna Allison, Tomas Jonsson, Brianna MacLellan, Nicole Nigro, Holly Timpener, Alma Visscher, Calgary, AB
noncompliance, Nicole Nigro, Sterling Studio Theatre, 60 on 60, Toronto, ON
Take My Hand (Tennessee Waltz), Nicole Nigro, ARTSCAPE Gibraltar Point Residency, Toronto, ON
First Cousin, Saliq Frances Savage, E|MERGE Interdisciplinary Artists Residency, Plainsfield, MS
2011 - Off The Shores of Orion, Jon Osborn, Birdtown and Swanville Theatre Co., Toronto, ON
Conversations With Rabbit, Jon Osborn, Theatre Passé Muraille, Toronto, ON
2010 - Disco Oracle, Jon Osborn, Claudia Moore for Cabaret Series at Young Centre for the Performing Arts, Toronto, ON
Disco Oracle Love You Long Time Collective, “No Guarantees No Refunds,” Winchester Street Theatre, Toronto, ON
Dance for Nicole, Jon Osborn, Dance Matters: Risky Business & Rebel Yells, Scotia Bank Theatre, Toronto, ON
2009 - move, Peggy Baker, Peggy Baker Dance Projects, Nuit Blanche, National Ballet of Canada, Toronto, ON
Junc-Tour, Liisa Murray & Julie Grant, Random Acts of Dance, Junction Arts Festival, Toronto, ON
Lost Souls, Liisa Murray & Julie Grant, Random Acts of Dance, LabCab Festival, Factory Theatre, Toronto, ON
Forsta, Nicole Nigro, Event Horizon Dance, Betty Oliphant Theatre, Toronto, ON
2008 - star-tossed, Deanna Roffey, York University, Toronto, ON
2005 – 2007 - Gala Resorts Soloist dancer for multiple shows performing 5 nights/wk. Playa del Carmen, MX
2004 - National Spirit, Danny Grossman, Danny Grossman Dance Company, Premier Dance Theatre, Toronto and Ontario tour
Couples, Danny Grossman, Danny Grossman Dance Company, Premier Dance Theatre, Toronto and Ontario touur
One , Louis Laberge-Côté, Toronto Dance Theatre, Four at The Winch, Toronto, ON - understudy
Batulang , Yvonne Ng, Toronto Dance Theatre, Four at The Winch, Toronto, ON - understudy
Fallen, Sharon Moore, “In a White Room Project”, Winchester Street Theatre, Toronto, ON
Fell, Miranda Abbott, Event Horizon Dance, Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto, ON
2003 - Court of Miracles, James Kudelka, Christopher House & David Earle, River Run Centre, Guelph, ON
Unknown Strange Dance Co, Ji-Hye Ko, Winchester Street Theatre, Toronto, ON
2002 - Panopticon, Bill James, Atlas Moves Watching Dance Projects, Winchester Street Theatre, Toronto, ON
1997 - Professional Children’s Modern Company, Artistic Director Debbie Onufreychuk, Edmonton, AB
1995 - Cinderella, Pacific Northwest Ballet Company, Jubilee Auditorium, Edmonton, AB
2025 - Seneca Intensiv, Dance & Physical Theatre, Berlin DE
Balance 1 Berlin, Graham Technique, Berlin DE
Vivace, Creative Movement & Ballet, Berlin DE
2023/24 – Universität der Künste Berlin/Berlin Career College, SUA Lecturer, Berlin DE
Rose Bruford College, Undergraduate Physical Theatre w/Divadlo Continuo, Malovice CZ
The Center for Performing Arts in English, Ballet & Contemporary Dance, Berlin DE
Moving Together, Im Baum, Creative Movement, Berlin DE
2020/21 – Rose Bruford College, Graduate & Undergraduate Physical Theatre w/Divadlo Continuo, Malovice CZ
2019 – York University, 2nd & 4th Year Undergraduate Dance Program, Graham Technique, Guest Teacher for Syreeta Hector, Toronto ON
2019 – Interim Director of the Young Apprentice Program, Canadian Contemporary Dance Theatre, Toronto ON
2018 – Accademia dell’ Arte, BodyVoice Synthesis, Intern workshops w/Kevin Crawford, Arezzo IT
2009 – 2016 & 2019 Canadian Contemporary Dance Theatre, Creative Movement, RAD Ballet, Limón Technique, Toronto ON
2011 – 2016 Director of the CORE Apprentice Company, Canadian Contemporary Dance Theatre, Toronto ON
2009 – 2016 Dance Arts Institute, formerly The School of Toronto Dance Theatre, Graham & Contemporary Technique, General School Program, Toronto ON
2009 – 2016 Balletomane, RAD Ballet & Contemporary Technique, Oakville ON
2009 – 2014 Toronto Dance Theatre, Outreach Master Class Instructor, Toronto ON
2009 – 2010 The Living Arts Centre, Workshop Facilitator, Mississauga ON
2007 – 2008 York University, Teaching Assistant, Graham w/Helen Jones, Toronto ON
2003 – 2004 Danny Grossman Dance Co., Outreach Programs Instructor, Toronto ON
2003 – 2004 Toronto Dance Theatre, Master Class Assistant, w/Wendy Chiles, Toronto ON
2001 – 2003 City of Toronto, Parks & Recreation, Creative Movement, Ballet, Community Centres across the GTA FACILITATION
2020 Skin to Skin, Hercinia Arts Collective, Toronto ON & Lebanon Contemporary Arts Festival, Tiro Arts Association LE
2019 Marhaban, Nicole Nigro & Felix Baumann, Diyar Theatre, Bethlehem, Ramallah, Beit Jala, Beit Sahour, Jericho, PSE
Orient-Occident, Unit Motives: GRM, Die Wolke Art Group, Vitruvian Thing, Thessaloniki, GR
HUA (huu-ahh), Nicole Nigro, Dance Matters, Citadel Theatre, Toronto ON
2018 their eyes were the colour of ripe apricots, Nicole Nigro, Accademia dell’Arte, Arezzo, IT
2015 Ford Advantage, Nicole Nigro, Ponderosa Movement & Discovery, Stolzenhagen, DE
Go Tell Fire, Canadian Contemporary Dance Theatre, Core Company, Toronto, ON
AUGUR NYC, Co-director with Maré Hieronimus and Cory Neale, Performance Mix Festival, New Dance Alliance, New York, NY
2014 Some Times, Co-director with Deborah Black and Paula Montecinos, Con|VERGE, Ponderosa, Stolzenhagen, DE
Oracle, Co-director with Cory Neale and Christos Galanis, Collaborators Maré Hieronimus, Alex Kramer, and Adriana Segurado, E|MERGE Interdisciplinary Residency, Plainfield, MA 2013
Phantom Wing: A Pre-demolition Project, Six of Hearts Collective - Luna Allison, Tomas Jonsson, Brianna MacLellan, Nicole Nigro, Holly Timpener, Alma Visscher, Calgary, AB
noncompliance, Nicole Nigro Sterling Studio Theatre, 60 on 60, Toronto, ON
Take My Hand (Tennessee Waltz), ARTSCAPE Gibraltar Point Residency, Toronto, ON
in the silence and the noise, Canadian Contemporary Dance Theatre, SunDance, Toronto, ON
Elysian Fields, Canadian Contemporary Dance Theatre, Core Company, Toronto, ON
2012 we have caught fire, Canadian Contemporary Dance Theatre, SunDance, Toronto, ON
2009 förstâ, Event Horizon Dance, Betty Oliphant Theatre, Toronto, ON
2008 The Wizard of OZ, Fallen Rock Productions, Assistant Choreographer, Toronto, ON
2005 - 2007 Gala Resorts, Choreographer for various resort performances, Playa del Carmen, MX
2019 - Ang Gey Pin, Sourcing Within Worksessions, Torino, IT
2018 - Virgilio Sieni Goldberg Variations Creation Process, CANGO, Florence, IT
2018 - The World is Sound, Alessio Castellacci & Irena Tomazin, Berlin, DE & Puglia, IT
2018 - Clown Identità Comica del Corpo, Livello Avanzato, André Casaca, Teatro C'art, Castelfiorentino, IT
2017 - Elemental Body Alignment System Teachers Certification, Scott Puttman, Arezzo, IT
2016 - 2018 Accademia dell'Arte & Mississippi University for Women, IT/DE/CZ. MFA in Physical Theatre. Curriculum: Movement, Voice, Music, Acting, Aesthetics & History, Devising, Acrobatics, Object Manipulation, Equilibrium, Extended Performance Topics, Graduate Performance Lab, Graduate Ensemble, Thesis Project. Faculty: André Casaca, Andrea Cavarra, Giangiacomo Colli, Kevin Crawford, Sabine Fichter, Thomas Kampe, Fabio Mangolini, Stella Medvedeva, Scott MeGehee, Dory Rebekah Sibley, Giorgio Rossi, William Peppy Biddy, Rita Petrone, Ginevra Scaglia, Cecilia Ventriglia, Sašo Vollmaier, Matteo Lo Prete, Pavel Štourač
2013 – 2015 Royal Academy of Dance, London, UK. Diploma in Dance Teaching Studies. Curriculum: Developing Professional Practice and Values, Dance Pedagogy: How Learners Learn, How Teachers Teach, Practical Teaching Exploring New Contexts and Extending Practice, Music for Studio and Stage, Community Dance, Optimising Dance Performance, Ballet Studies, Research and Resources for Dance Teaching. Faculty: Libby Costello, Elizabeth Hyde, Helen Linkenbagh, Nancy Pidgeon, Evelyn Treiber
2007 – 2009 York University, Toronto, ON. BFA Special Honours Major Dance. Curriculum: Contemporary Technique, Ballet, Skinner Releasing Technique, Repertoire, Improvisation, Composition, Choreography, Graham, Conditioning, Music, Production, Pedagogy, Anatomy, Nutrition, Dance Kinesiology, Dance History. Faculty: Carol Anderson, Karen Bowes-Sewell, Helen Jones, Donna Krasnow, Danielle Robinson, Julia Sasso, Claire Wootten
2005 – 2006 The University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB. BA English Major. Curriculum: Comparative Literature, English, Psychology, Art History. Faculty: Karen Ball, Danielle Fuller, Patricia Demers
2001 – 2003 The School of Toronto Dance Theatre, Toronto, ON. Professional Training Program. Curriculum: Graham Technique, Contemporary Technique, Ballet, Coaching, Repertoire, Improvisation, Composition, Choreography, Music, Vocal Training, Theatre Production, Pedagogy, Contact Improvisation, Bouffon, Anatomy, Dance History. Faculty: Massimo Agostinelli, Conrad Alexandrowicz, Sonya Biernath, Marc Boivin, Wendy Chiles, Elizabeth Chitty, Lesandra Dodson, Patricia Fraser, Denise Fujiwara, Fiona Griffiths, Christopher House, Rosemary James, Helen Jones, Kaeja d’Dance, Susan Macpherson, Robert McCollum, Patricia Miner, Sharon Moore, Julia Sasso, Michelle Silagy, Risa Steinberg, Darryl Tracy, Michael Trent, Christine Wright
1994 – 2001 Edmonton Dance Centre, Edmonton, AB
1998 – 1999 Virginia School of the Arts, Lynchburg, VA
1998 - 4th National High School Dance Festival, Miami, FL
1985 – 1994 Dance Alberta (formerly Alberta Ballet School), Edmonton, AB
2023 DisTanzen Solo 5, Research Grant, Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media in the NEUSTART KULTUR programme, DIS-TANZEN aid programme of the Dachverband Tanz Deutschland, Berlin DE
2021 Canada Council for the Arts, Research & Creation Grant, Mijoter, Toronto ON & Berlin DE
2019 Canada Council for the Arts, Arts Abroad Grant, HUA (huh-aah) Creation Residency at Ponderosa, Stolzenhagen DE
2018 European Cultural Fund, STEP Grant, Marhaban, Bethlehem PSE
2016 – 2018 Accademia dell’Arte, Scholarship for MFA graduate studies, Arezzo IT
2016 – 2017 Dancer Transition Resource Centre, Retraining & Subsistence Grants, Toronto ON 2013 – 2015 Canadian Contemporary Dance Theatre, Full-Tuition Scholarship for The Royal Academy of Dance, Diploma In Dance Teaching Studies, London UK
2008 York University, Partial-Tuition Bursary, Toronto ON
2003 The School of Toronto Dance Theatre, Leadership Award & Bursary, Toronto ON
2003 & 2002 The School of Toronto Dance Theatre, Partial Scholarship, Toronto ON
1999 The Virginia School of the Arts, Full Tuition Scholarship, Lynchburg VA
1998 Banff Centre for the Arts, Partial Scholarship, Banff AB2019 European Cultural Fund, STEP Grant
1998 Edmonton Public School Board Award for representing Victoria School of the Performing & Visual Arts at The 4th National High School Dance Festival in Miami, FL